Friday, November 14, 2008

Putting my queer shoulder to the wheel...

So, today, I wrote a blog post about my own mixed feelings about tomorrow's protests... I thought I'd add it since MHC posted someone else's opposition to the protests.

Putting my queer shoulder to the wheel…

By Porscha | November 14, 2008

So, I tried for a few days to ignore the stuff coming through my inbox and across the news desk. I tried. I’m a full-time graduate student - I commute to school two days a week in Johnson City and I spend the entire day there both days. I teach a class of college sophomores and juniors. I have a wife. Two dogs. Three cats. And I work full time as Associate Publisher of OIA. My life is really gay - really queer, actually. In fact, only on the days when I’m at school do I really have conversations with people who are not part of the LGBTQ community. Read the rest...

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